»نشرت فى : الخميس، 10 أكتوبر 2013»بواسطة : »ليست هناك تعليقات

Watch YouTube Video with Fast Buffering on low Net Speed

Watch YouTube Video with Fast Buffering on low Net Speed

YouTube is the largest video sharing website. Currently it consists millions of videos. While watching  YouTube videos, the most common problem is slow buffering. If u are having a low band width internet connection you will face this irritation.
You can speedup video buffering with YouTube feather beta. This is an opt-in beta for “Feather” support on YouTube. The “Feather” project is intended to serve YouTube video watch pages with the lowest latency possible. It achieves this by severely limiting the features available to the viewer and making use of advanced web techniques for reducing the total amount of bytes downloaded by the browser. It is a work in progress and may not work for all videos.
You see this page (shown below) you need to click on the “Join Feather Beta

That’s all, now YouTube Feather beta will be enabled on your YouTube account.

If you want to roll back this feature again go to http://www.youtube.com/feather_beta and click on the “Leave Feather Beta”


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